BOCA Hawaii received the Green Business Award from Governor Abercrombie.

Outstanding efforts

In April 2013, BOCA Hawaii was recognized as a Hawaii Green Business for its efforts to minimize its impact on the environment through its events, community involvement, and in-store retail and fitness programs.

Reduction of energy usage

  • Reduced their electrical consumption by 12.1% over the past year
  • Switched out old lighting to new, energy-efficient lighting
  • Uses natural ventilation or ceiling fans for cooling upstairs studio


  • Salvages and refurbishes bicycle parts for reuse
  • Uses recycled-content office products including paper and folders

Pollution prevention

  • Uses tea tree oil for general cleaning purposes


  • Promotes the use of bicycles and other alternative transportation

Events / community

  • Hosts a number of race events at which local food is provided and trophies are made of recycled materials